What Does the Digital Health Strategy Mean For You?

This article has been an utter labour of love and is a collation of the multitude of conversations we have been currently having across the nation, across the private and public sector and at all levels in the market.

This piece explores Australia's National Digital Health Strategy and what we can do (practically) together to progress the four key outcomes, which are: Digitally enabled, Person-centred, Inclusive and Data-driven.

The Strategy is excellent but clear tactical planning and measuring impact and benefits as we progress has to be actioned, sooner rather than later.

If you are a Clinician this is for you.

If you are an Executive this is for you.

If you are in Government this is for you.

If you are a health tech vendor (or aspiring tech vendor) this is for you.

If you are a health service manager this is for you.

And most importantly, if you are a consumer of healthcare services in this country, this is for you.

We have carved out practical actions by stakeholder group (not an exhaustive list but some of the key items we are discussing on a daily basis with clients and connections).

Full article Download Here


Addressing Ambulance Ramping in Australia Part 1


How Will Your Operating Model Respond to Delivering a Service Digitally?